Here's an action buddy flick if anyone's interested. One hands, two hands, you're just scratching your head? Ok. Well the movie is From Paris With Love and it stars John Travolta as the tough, funny, and deeply patriotic black ops CIA member as he teams up with a U.S. ambassador to Paris (Jonathan Rhys Meyers, The Tudors) for his first black ops mission. They must roam Paris in search of Middle Eastern terrorists to kill. Pretty simple. And btw, yes, they kill plenty. Chinese drug gangs as well.
As outrageous as Travolta's character is, it's hard not to like him, which surprised me as I was expecting to his character ridiculous and well, dumb. I mean, look at him
Meyers' character on the otherhand, is not that likable. As one of the two main characters, he is mostly there just to eat up time and clumsily move the story along as Travolta does his thing, you know kill people and find things out. Also, I don't know that much about him and whether he's a good actor or not, but in this movie, his acting skills are, well, bad. Quite noticeably too.
Ok movie to spend a quick hour and a half on. I would recommend it simply to watch Travolta kick some terrorist ass, but there are other movies out there.
Funny(?) story: A 84 year old woman drove (obliviously) on the wrong way on I-95 in Delaware. A few cars crashed (not hers) but no one was seriously hurt. Here is the link, including the video:
Music: Cake - Cool Blue Reason such a cool song.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Just saw a good terrorist, ticking bomb kind of movie called Unthinkable. It stars Samuel L Jackson and that one chick from the Matrix. It's entirely about a sole interrogator (Jackson) using every possible tool at his disposal to get a sole captured terrorist to talk. You see, this terrorist had broadcast a video showing him placing three nuclear warheads in three unidentified American cities. This movie is about torture, and solely about torture as Jackson must do whatever he can to break this man, this evil man. Jackson must push himself, reluctantly at times, to do sick and twisted things throughout the movie. He has to push himself to do the unthinkable, the military and the sole representative of the ACLU (Matrix chick) attempt to bring Jackson back and even force him - physically at times - to go easier on the terrorist. The movie never takes sides though and rightfully lets the viewer decide, should he go easy on the captured terrorist and potentially endanger millions of American lives or do all he can to find out all he knows. Overall, a good smart movie that will leave you chewing on the message - or whatever message the viewer concocts - for days. It is a very emotionally charged movie.
Music: Scorpions - Woman
Btw, just how awesome does this new show look?
The Walking Dead
Music: Scorpions - Woman
Btw, just how awesome does this new show look?
The Walking Dead
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Just downloaded, err...bought the discography - all the albums - from the band the Killers. And, I dunno, I think they're pretty overrated. Which got me to thinking of other overrated bands. Now, these are not bands that I dislike (except for no. 4,7,and 8) just bands that I consider recieved more praise than they were/are worth.
The List:
Well, have at it...Just go easy on me. I'm fragile.
Music: Led Zeppelin - Thank You
The List:
- The Beatles - yes. The Beatles. I know they had some really good songs, I know, and I know they had 4 lead singers, but let's be honest here, they aren't one of the greatest bands of all time. And here comes the complaints...
- Aerosmith - Good band but I mean, c'mon now...
- Beach Boys - I like some songs but I don't believe this one requires any explanation.
- Boston/Rush/Journey/Bon Jovi - Take that 80's!
- Frank Sinatra - Ha, no. Just kidding,
- Green Day - Way too whiney.
- John Mellencamp/Bruce Springsteen - Just because?
- Bob Dylan - I have no idea what he's talking about half - most of the time.
Well, have at it...Just go easy on me. I'm fragile.
Music: Led Zeppelin - Thank You
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Your Weekly Horoscopes Via the Onion
- Aries The stars are beginning to suspect you think of relationships, dating, and in fact any romantic involvement whatsoever as nothing more than an excuse to make mixtapes.
- Taurus Don't wait until tomorrow to start living the life you want today. That said, it may take months to properly assume the identity of veteran character actor William H. Macy.
- Gemini You'll know you've picked the right wedding planner this week when he makes you list, from best to worst, your 10 favorite Rommel biographies.
- Cancer You take justifiable pride in your near-perfect infant-stroller design, but they'll still recall them all as soon as the deaths start.
- Leo Maybe it's just you, but up until the recent spate of news articles on the issue, you had no idea there were straight people in the military.
- Virgo The stars are genuinely sorry that they told your creepy coworker this would be a good week to make bold romantic moves.
- Libra People often overlook your generally optimistic nature and hopeful outlook, as well as the fact that living in an underground bunker is just plain cozy.
- Scorpio You will soon be the latest victim of society's unfortunate propensity to put the word "crazed" in front of the once-respected title of "gunman."
- Sagittarius Turns out there actually isn't an old saying that you can get away with anything as long as you're wearing a chicken suit.
- Capricorn There are, in fact, two kinds of people in the world, but if the stars told you what they were, you'd be shocked and possibly hurt.
- Aquarius The really strange thing, doctors will tell you this week, is that the worms just seem to be hanging out in your bloodstream as if waiting for a signal to lay their millions of eggs.
- Pisces Until next Thursday, you will have no idea what the world record is for stepping in bear traps.
Btw, great story here: UK teacher banned from teaching for life after being deemed "useless"
Music: Modest Mouse - March Into the Sea
Just a crazy crazy song.
'Get ready to root for the bad guy"
That is in a Payback in a nutshell. A very (very) gritty fast-paced action film that stars Mel Gibson (I know, I know) in his hey-day. I guess after watching Edge of Darkness I was feeling pretty nostalgic about the Mel of Old, before the drinking and driving, before the racist outbursts, before Mel was engulfed in the darkness within himself. And that's why I took great comfort in Payback.
Released in 1999, Payback opens as Porter (Mel) is lying on his stomach out cold and looking like hell. A dirty and obese man hovers over him with a strong stench of whiskey on his breath. He then goes about removing the bullets lodged within Mel's back. After bullet two, Mel wakes up, and he's not too happy.
A small town criminal that indulges in heists ranging from convenience stores to banks, the only thing he can really count on is his wife and girlfriend-prostitute on the side (it's a very gritty movie). This all changes when he is stabbed (shot) in the back by his greedy partner and his wife that has apparently decided to move on. After that, Porter is out for revenge along with the money that his partner owes him. This only get more complicated when he gets mixed up with crooked cops, the Chinese mob, and a elite criminal organization known only as the Outfit.
This is a very dark film with an atmosphere very similar to that of Zach Snyder. Every scene is hyper-saturated and gloomy. The mood lets the audience know something very bad is about to happen in each and every scene, and usually, something does.
It is a action-packed and surprisingly funny film. Never a dull moment, Payback is a very well made and directed movie.
If your looking for a film that will keep you interested from beginning to end, I highly recommend Payback.
Music: Clarence "Frogman" Henry - Your Picture because not too many know about him and the man had some gems.
That is in a Payback in a nutshell. A very (very) gritty fast-paced action film that stars Mel Gibson (I know, I know) in his hey-day. I guess after watching Edge of Darkness I was feeling pretty nostalgic about the Mel of Old, before the drinking and driving, before the racist outbursts, before Mel was engulfed in the darkness within himself. And that's why I took great comfort in Payback.
Released in 1999, Payback opens as Porter (Mel) is lying on his stomach out cold and looking like hell. A dirty and obese man hovers over him with a strong stench of whiskey on his breath. He then goes about removing the bullets lodged within Mel's back. After bullet two, Mel wakes up, and he's not too happy.
A small town criminal that indulges in heists ranging from convenience stores to banks, the only thing he can really count on is his wife and girlfriend-prostitute on the side (it's a very gritty movie). This all changes when he is stabbed (shot) in the back by his greedy partner and his wife that has apparently decided to move on. After that, Porter is out for revenge along with the money that his partner owes him. This only get more complicated when he gets mixed up with crooked cops, the Chinese mob, and a elite criminal organization known only as the Outfit.
This is a very dark film with an atmosphere very similar to that of Zach Snyder. Every scene is hyper-saturated and gloomy. The mood lets the audience know something very bad is about to happen in each and every scene, and usually, something does.
It is a action-packed and surprisingly funny film. Never a dull moment, Payback is a very well made and directed movie.
If your looking for a film that will keep you interested from beginning to end, I highly recommend Payback.
Music: Clarence "Frogman" Henry - Your Picture because not too many know about him and the man had some gems.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
So, I saw the movie Red opening weekend with a special someone someone and it was pretty darn good.
You can obviously tell by the trailer, but it stars Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, and Morgan Freeman and it also features a lot of other very talented actors and actresses. They're all (for the most part) ex-CIA and have been targeted for assassination by what looks like the current CIA. Willis must get the gang back together and figure out how to stay alive long enough to figure out just what's going on. It's based off a comic.
The film is a action/comedy and it pulls off both very well. I was actually surprised at the level of action and well, violence in it. Every scene kept me engaged and entertained and the movie was flat out funny to boot.
If your up for a good action-packed movie, this is definitely for you. It's a very light and smooth film and never takes itself too seriously. The violence is hard to describe because although it looks like the most realistic scenes of violence I've seen in some time (not gore) it always almost feels comical - in a good way.
Really good movie, it's everything the Expendables was supposed to be.
Willis 1 Sly 0
Music: 311 - Beyond the Gray Sky
The song puts me at ease.
Disclaimer** I have been reminded, I once raved about and recommended Paul Blart: Mall Cop, so take all my reviews with a grain of salt.
You can obviously tell by the trailer, but it stars Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, and Morgan Freeman and it also features a lot of other very talented actors and actresses. They're all (for the most part) ex-CIA and have been targeted for assassination by what looks like the current CIA. Willis must get the gang back together and figure out how to stay alive long enough to figure out just what's going on. It's based off a comic.
The film is a action/comedy and it pulls off both very well. I was actually surprised at the level of action and well, violence in it. Every scene kept me engaged and entertained and the movie was flat out funny to boot.
If your up for a good action-packed movie, this is definitely for you. It's a very light and smooth film and never takes itself too seriously. The violence is hard to describe because although it looks like the most realistic scenes of violence I've seen in some time (not gore) it always almost feels comical - in a good way.
Really good movie, it's everything the Expendables was supposed to be.
Willis 1 Sly 0
Music: 311 - Beyond the Gray Sky
The song puts me at ease.
Disclaimer** I have been reminded, I once raved about and recommended Paul Blart: Mall Cop, so take all my reviews with a grain of salt.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Onion's weekly horoscopes:
Btw, I checked out the movie Shutter Island. You know, the Scorsese film with Leonardo DiCaprio. The one with him on an island...Anyway, it was pretty good, it was a two hour movie but it did keep you on the edge of your seat and interested the whole way through. The ending is rather good although it feels largely underwhelming when the credits start to roll.
Music: Led Zeppelin - Black Dog
- Aries Your last hope of finding true and unconditional love ends this week when your ideal mate is executed by the State of Texas for unspeakable crimes against humanity.
- Taurus This week's revelations will be especially mortifying for you, seeing as how you've been insisting for years that life is not some sort of big pie-eating contest.
- Gemini When the moment of truth you've been praying for all these years finally arrives, you'll reject it out of hand rather than admit it's all been the cat's fault.
- Cancer You'll suddenly be torn away from your friends and cast out of the only home you've ever known by the authorities, who will insist your sentence is over and you're free to go.
- Leo Just as you've always suspected, it is in fact a felony to use your particular method of "getting girls."
- Virgo Next week will be a time of magical romance and unending joy for you, thanks to your boundless talent for self-delusion.
- Libra You're going to need a lot of Epsom salts and lip balm this week. No, honestly, you can trust us. This isn't like the time with the horse laxatives.
- Scorpio Someday you may learn that it is indeed possible to take a fun thing too far, but not before next week's experimentation with autoerotic asphyxiation.
- Sagittarius Your combined proclivities toward paranoia and depression combine when you start to think a race of alien lizard-people are controlling life's lowest echelons from behind the scenes.
- Capricorn In a wacky horoscopic mix-up, you'll encounter a mysterious stranger who takes you on a journey over water just as you're trying to start new projects at work.
- Aquarius Keep extra apples and ban-dages around the house next week, as your lover seems to be going through a William Tell phase.
- Pisces There will be nothing you can do to avert the disaster of next week, although there will be plenty that a reasonably bright and competent person could do.
Btw, I checked out the movie Shutter Island. You know, the Scorsese film with Leonardo DiCaprio. The one with him on an island...Anyway, it was pretty good, it was a two hour movie but it did keep you on the edge of your seat and interested the whole way through. The ending is rather good although it feels largely underwhelming when the credits start to roll.
Music: Led Zeppelin - Black Dog
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Review You've All Been Waiting For
‘Boardwalk Empire’ Review: Obsession with Style Distracts from Otherwise Promising Series
by Robert Kelly

‘Boardwalk Empire’ is set in 1920’s America and the shows directors laboriously in scene after scene make that abundantly clear. They don’t just show it to the audience, they beat you over the head with it. This is undoubtedly the show’s biggest weakness. The plot is a strong one but it often takes a back seat to the historical and detailed approach the directors have taken. The exaggeration and overuse of the 1920’s style prove to be a distraction in an otherwise fine show. The show fails to keep you on the edge of your seat; although, it does have many memorable scenes. Because of the hyper-style, it seems as if you are watching the characters and the events unfold from a distance. It lacks a certain personal appeal necessary in order to connect with the characters. It’s as if you are watching art rather than engaging in a movie.
Furthermore, the acting in ‘Boardwalk Empire” is strong, but the characters, with a few exceptions, are altogether forgettable. Steve Buscemi is one of Hollywood’s more versatile actors but a strong central lead he is not. He never seems comfortable playing the tough and ruthless mobster the show is dependent on. I often found myself growing more and more interested only to have the spell broken by Buscemi’s half-hearted and almost comical attempt to display anger. Casting Buscemi in this type of role can be likened to casting Adrien Brody as the mercenary hero in Predators. Hey, I said almost.
Vastly underused actor Michael Pitt plays Jimmy Darmody, a recently returned World War I vet, intent on making a name for himself within Nucky’s organization. It certainly does not hurt that he is Nucky’s nephew. Ambitious and often bull-headed, Jimmy repeatedly makes seemingly irrational and rash actions that could potentially spell trouble in the future. Pitt plays this role to perfection and adds a certain authenticity to a film that badly needs it.
Lastly, ‘No Country for Old Men’ actress Kelly Macdonald adds a strong female presence to the show and hers is really the only female character worth mentioning. She plays Margaret Schroeder, a fragile and abused housewife. Fighting loneliness and desperation she makes a heartfelt plea to Nucky for financial help. The sight of a small and defenseless Margaret withstand the constant beatings from her husband force an appeal for sympathy from the audience and she rightly gets it. When she enters a scene, your interest is immediately peaked as you hold out hope that she will one day escape from it all.
‘Boardwalk Empire’ airs every Sunday night at 9 p.m. on HBO. Episodes usually run at about an hour which is long enough to engage the audience and short enough to keep them from checking the time to see how much longer they have. Similar to the popular show the ‘Sopranos’, ‘Boardwalk Empire’ contains a good amount of violence, nudity, and profanity. Because of the content, children need to be as far away as possible or soundly asleep when Boardwalk starts up.
Overall, ‘Boardwalk Empire’ is an entertaining new show, just don’t expect it to have much of a lasting impact after you change the channel.
Tickets and Such
I got my first ticket over the weekend. Yeah, I've been driving for a couple of years now and no ticket, that all changed Friday. Driving 95 on I-75 will get you pulled over it seems. That's "stupid fast" as my bro informed me. And several others... The nice officer thanked me for showing great politeness and yet still wrote 95/70 on the ticket. I guess that shows politeness only goes so far. I'm a little worried about saying any more so I guess I'll leave it at that. (grumble grumble grumble)
I saw the old movie Swingers yesterday. It's a comedy that came out in 1996 and it starred a very young Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, and Heather Graham makes a appearance toward the end. It's about a group of young struggling actors looking to help their friend (Favreau) get over a nasty breakup with a girl he was with for six years. Obviously, the guy's having a tough time. The movie is pretty darn funny the whole way through and I'd definitely recommend it if you haven't seen/heard of it. It's only an hour and a half.
From the movie:
This has to be one of the most painful scenes I've ever seen. (Favreau) is calling a girl he literally just met that night. The time is 2:35 am. He completely disregards the 2 day rule, the scene is really hard to watch, seriously. I watched it with a bunch of friends and we were definitely squirming through it.
So, he offers to go out with her, completely breaks down, and then breaks up with her in less than 5 minutes. Ugh.
Barefoot Professor in Virginia Preaches Shoelessness from the Washington Post:
The man is a genius. It's time I can finally get out my tin foil hat again. Well, it's about time.
Music: Boxcar Racer - There Is
I saw the old movie Swingers yesterday. It's a comedy that came out in 1996 and it starred a very young Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, and Heather Graham makes a appearance toward the end. It's about a group of young struggling actors looking to help their friend (Favreau) get over a nasty breakup with a girl he was with for six years. Obviously, the guy's having a tough time. The movie is pretty darn funny the whole way through and I'd definitely recommend it if you haven't seen/heard of it. It's only an hour and a half.
From the movie:
This has to be one of the most painful scenes I've ever seen. (Favreau) is calling a girl he literally just met that night. The time is 2:35 am. He completely disregards the 2 day rule, the scene is really hard to watch, seriously. I watched it with a bunch of friends and we were definitely squirming through it.
So, he offers to go out with her, completely breaks down, and then breaks up with her in less than 5 minutes. Ugh.
Barefoot Professor in Virginia Preaches Shoelessness from the Washington Post:
The man is a genius. It's time I can finally get out my tin foil hat again. Well, it's about time.
Music: Boxcar Racer - There Is
Friday, October 15, 2010
Hotel California
One of the greatest songs ever.
Ok, maybe not as good as Jitterbug, but pretty darn close.
Kidding! Just Kidding! You can put down the chair now.
Ok, maybe not as good as Jitterbug, but pretty darn close.
Kidding! Just Kidding! You can put down the chair now.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Fun Fun Day
I had a fun day today, could you guess from my title? Don't be a smartass. So, I skipped class today, yeah I had an appointment with a foot doctor. I have - had an ingrown toe nail in my big toe that's been bugging me for a couple of months now so I had to go take care of that. I hate going to hospitals and things like that, and for a toe? I mean, that's embarrassing.
Well, she stuck, (jammed with evil intent?) a needle in my toe to numb it up, kind of ironic if you think about it. Then she got out a pair of scissors, slammed the door and yelled, 'your really in for it now!' Ok, so that last part didn't actually happen, but she did use scissors to cut it out, the nail was pretty big too. It was indeed sizeable. That's what she said.
Anyway, so my big toe was pretty numb for most of the day, it actually felt like it wasn't there, which was pretty weird, it's coming back now...
Besides that, not a whole lot to talk about, I saw Edge of Darkness. I know I know, crazy Mel Gibson, but by God the man is a good actor (and director!). The movie itself was so so. Meh. I'd write a little review but I just wrote the one for tomorrow and there's no way I'm writing another. So take that.
But a trailer
And Music: David Bowie - Space Oddity, not the biggest Bowie fan, but this is one of my favorite songs, kind of a downer though.
Well, she stuck, (jammed with evil intent?) a needle in my toe to numb it up, kind of ironic if you think about it. Then she got out a pair of scissors, slammed the door and yelled, 'your really in for it now!' Ok, so that last part didn't actually happen, but she did use scissors to cut it out, the nail was pretty big too. It was indeed sizeable. That's what she said.
Anyway, so my big toe was pretty numb for most of the day, it actually felt like it wasn't there, which was pretty weird, it's coming back now...
Besides that, not a whole lot to talk about, I saw Edge of Darkness. I know I know, crazy Mel Gibson, but by God the man is a good actor (and director!). The movie itself was so so. Meh. I'd write a little review but I just wrote the one for tomorrow and there's no way I'm writing another. So take that.
But a trailer
And Music: David Bowie - Space Oddity, not the biggest Bowie fan, but this is one of my favorite songs, kind of a downer though.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Your Horoscopes - Because I Do Care
- Aries You will be torn between two equally worthy suitors, one who is kind, selfless, outgoing, supportive, and loving, and one who is attractive.
- Taurus While it is true that all-knowing God sees every sparrow that falls, He finds it a lot more amusing to watch you tumble down the stairs a couple times a week.
- Gemini They say that knowing is half the battle, but they never talk about how the other half is tactical deployment and careful use of grenades.
- Cancer Your self-destructive behavior is beginning to get out of control, which is mostly notable due to how long you were able to control your behavior while destroying yourself.
- Leo You'll be pleased to find that science has long since achieved your dream of creating a smaller, cuddlier, domesticated version of the tiger.
- Virgo Scientists will announce the discovery of sunspots spelling out your name this week just to see if they can get you to stare at the sun all day.
- Libra The natives will shrink in terror when you demonstrate your lighter, as even they know that smoking is horrible for you.
- Scorpio Losing weight will improve your performance in all areas of life, but bolting on new shock absorbers is painful and counterproductive.
- Sagittarius You'll learn too late that while it may be easy and even justifiable to ridicule the French, they take their full-contact judo very seriously.
- Capricorn It turns out that it's neither the size of the wave nor the motion of the ocean that really matters, but the length and girth of your penis.
- Aquarius You'll realize too late that there's more to life than eating instant mashed potatoes and drinking root beer while the kiddie pool you're lying in slowly fills up with your excrement.
- Pisces There are some things that money can't buy. For instance, with your record, you're forbidden from getting close enough to purchase Girl Scout cookies.
Also, I rewatched the film Swordfish recently. It stars John Travolta, Hugh Jackman, and Halley Berry. It was released sometime in the 90's and in it Travolta plays a domestic terrorist intent on using any means necessary, ie killing Americans that get in his way, taking hostages, things like that to fight foreign terrorists. Jackman is brought in as the reluctant computer hacker that faces a strong moral dilemma whether to help him or not. Berry works with Travolta but also plays Jackman's love interest, kind of. Overall, it has a lot of action and keeps you watching. It's only about half an hour long and well worth your time. Much better the second time around.
Music - The All-American Rejects - Night Drive (Acoustic)
Monday, October 11, 2010
This Is Me Taking a Break
Ok, so this is me taking a break in between my second paper out of three for my political theories class. My first paper was a minimum of three pages and somehow I got thirteen. Don't even ask, I'm still not sure. Well, what happened over the weekend....
Nope. I can't think of anything...
Wings are rolling 2-0 too. Not interested? Well here are videos of two fights then! Ghal.
From the same game. A couple of days ago.
Datsyuk fight:
Brad Stuart:
Also New England quarterback almost got into a fight with just traded wide receiver Randy Moss. Brady dissed Moss' beard and Randy dissed Brady's hair, he said he looked like a girl. Ouch.
Here's the link:
One more thing on Brady. Several weeks ago he was involved in a car accident when a minivan smacked into him. Well, they are starting to release the pictures...
Last thing. A bunch of environmentalists in Britain put together a video to support reducing carbon emissions. They thought it was very funny. Well, it was banned. And here it is:
I find this to be a great driving song. Meant to be played loud. Very loud. Also I haven't watched the video good luck with that.
The Offspring - Bad Habit
Nope. I can't think of anything...
Wings are rolling 2-0 too. Not interested? Well here are videos of two fights then! Ghal.
From the same game. A couple of days ago.
Datsyuk fight:
Brad Stuart:
Also New England quarterback almost got into a fight with just traded wide receiver Randy Moss. Brady dissed Moss' beard and Randy dissed Brady's hair, he said he looked like a girl. Ouch.
Here's the link:
One more thing on Brady. Several weeks ago he was involved in a car accident when a minivan smacked into him. Well, they are starting to release the pictures...
Last thing. A bunch of environmentalists in Britain put together a video to support reducing carbon emissions. They thought it was very funny. Well, it was banned. And here it is:
I find this to be a great driving song. Meant to be played loud. Very loud. Also I haven't watched the video good luck with that.
The Offspring - Bad Habit
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Go Blue!
Goooooooooooo Bllluuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goooooooooooo Miiiiiiiccccchhhhhiiiiiiiigggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update: Well......f***
Goooooooooooo Miiiiiiiccccchhhhhiiiiiiiigggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update: Well......f***
Friday, October 8, 2010
Posting For the Sake of Posting
I have a few papers to write this weekend, thanks Kos, so that is my weekend.
I always have videos, I know, but this is pretty funny - and for the most part true.
A mock-trailer:
Music: The Doors - People Are Strange
The quality isn't very good, stupid youtube.
Oh yeah, and Go Blue. Big Time.
I always have videos, I know, but this is pretty funny - and for the most part true.
A mock-trailer:
Music: The Doors - People Are Strange
The quality isn't very good, stupid youtube.
Oh yeah, and Go Blue. Big Time.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Not Another Teen Movie
Sorry for talking about a comedy from 01' but HBO keeps on playing it like every couple of days for what seems like months and I honestly, just can't help myself - I find myself always putting it on. That's when you know a comedy is really good, when it has replay value. As much as I love Anchorman and Hangover I get bored easily when I watch them now. But with NOTM, even though I know every joke, I still can't help but laugh - ha ha - see?? I'm sure this is a movie for my generation and a lot of people won't find it funny, probably at all, but hey...
And a clip:
Uhh...the language is a little ummm...mature?
An Onion video I thought was pretty funny too: (Just the link though),17587/
Stone Temple Pilots - Dancing Days (a Led Zeppelin cover)
And a clip:
Uhh...the language is a little ummm...mature?
An Onion video I thought was pretty funny too: (Just the link though),17587/
Stone Temple Pilots - Dancing Days (a Led Zeppelin cover)
Why Am I Still Up?
Ok, so it's 1:48 a.m. and I literally just finished some homework for another class - my fault, I had forgotten until now and I need a post. Ok.
So, I had some car troubles Monday. Everything was fine on my way to school but as soon as I started the engine on my way home, my car - a 2002 Dodge Intrepid with more troubles than it's worth - started vibrating some and making loud grinding noises if I remember correctly - don't quote me on that.
So, I had some car troubles Monday. Everything was fine on my way to school but as soon as I started the engine on my way home, my car - a 2002 Dodge Intrepid with more troubles than it's worth - started vibrating some and making loud grinding noises if I remember correctly - don't quote me on that.
This but gold and with a smashed left headlight - don't ask. But that sign shouldn't have been standing there.
It was doing ok up until I merged on the freeway on 1-75 then it started freaking out. It starting seriously shaking and lurching so I quickly took the first exit I saw and pulled off some street in Flint and parked in some parking lot. Everything looked fine so I tried driving it again and it seemed fine for the most part. I hit the freeway again and I painfully stayed in the middle lane and one again, painfully went the speed limit the rest of the way.
Ten minutes later. I had made it to the highway and was on my way home when it started to have a tantrum again and I was forced to pull off on the side of the road. I waited a bit then started driving again. No luck. I pulled off into some guy's driveway. I quickly got out and knocked on their door and completely making an ass of myself explained the situation to some teenage girl who I presume told her dad. I hurriedly looked over my car and nervously backed up back on to the freeway under the glare of the girl's father from the doorway. Thanks bud.
For the next 20 minutes it was me going about 30-35 o various main roads and free ways pulling off to the side when a car approached from behind. And I was finally home. I checked out my car and well, it turns out my emergency brake was in complete shambles somehow. I mean, it was more or less in pieces. So...I just removed it and wa la. Problem solved. Stupid car.
I watched that movie from the 90's My Cousin Vinny yesterday (two days ago?). I had forgotten how funny it was. It stars Joe Pesci and that chick from the wrestler (awful movie btw). Pesci is a lawyer in Alabama and he's trying his first case. He's a New York lawyer and he has to travel to Alabama to defend a cousin of his who is accused of murdering a convenient store clerk in Alabama. It is a very funny and good movie as Pesci is a good arguer but just makes an ass of himself time and time again. I highly recommend it.
Here's the trailer:
And this is a scene from the movie:
Music: The Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil
The Stones either refused to play this song or weren't allowed after a concert incident where a concert goer was stabbed to death by a member of the Hells Angels, a biker gang. I'm a little short on details on that though. But you should still believe everything I say at complete face value.
Well I'm off to bed now, I have to wake up in a few hours for class. I would have published this post already but it seems I'm having some internet issues. Ugh.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Your Weekly Horoscopes - You Will Be Graded on This
Horoscopes: Ok, so these are from the Onion website and I'm trying to make this into a weekly posting but some of them might be offensive to some. So, there it is, my warning. No complaints then, eh?
Aries A messenger from the Lord will appear to you in glory this week and, in a voice that shakes mountains and shivers oceans, announce price hikes on all divine services.
Taurus Mars and Venus will both appear in your sign this week, as will Zach Galifianakis, who is apparently in everything these days.
Gemini When the moment of truth you've been praying for all these years finally arrives, you'll reject it out of hand rather than admit that it's all been the cat's fault.
Cancer While you've always had good luck at work using the buddy system, next week's attempt to move to the f***-buddy system will be a complete disaster.
Leo While you're starting to think your problem is that you're too "in your head," it's actually a rare species of cranial tapeworm.
Virgo Your attempt to achieve fame no matter what the cost in blood will fail, although the stories of the What's-His-Name Killer will be told for generations.
Libra The king's men part you can understand, but you've never really comprehended how all the king's horses were supposed to help.
Scorpio You'll be trapped in a paralyzing dilemma that can only be solved if you learn something new, take the initiative, or have an original thought of your own.
Sagittarius This is a good time to make aggressive moves in your romantic life, but not so aggressive that you actually cause yourself physical harm with the Fleshlight.
Capricorn While you're often disgusted by the shallowness and ignorance you see all around you, you have to admit it's made it easy for you to get dates.
Aquarius Although they say it's not over until the fat lady sings, increasingly unrealistic body-image standards mean it's now over when there is a vocalization by any female over 135 pounds.
Pisces While it may be true that the emperor has no clothes, you have to admit that if you were the emperor, you'd walk around naked, too.
Music: Nirvana -
When your in the mood, it sounds so good. I mean, the guy was good. Back in the day.
I'll try to post something substantive tomorrow, I have my business (computer class). *Shivers*
Aries A messenger from the Lord will appear to you in glory this week and, in a voice that shakes mountains and shivers oceans, announce price hikes on all divine services.
Taurus Mars and Venus will both appear in your sign this week, as will Zach Galifianakis, who is apparently in everything these days.
Gemini When the moment of truth you've been praying for all these years finally arrives, you'll reject it out of hand rather than admit that it's all been the cat's fault.
Cancer While you've always had good luck at work using the buddy system, next week's attempt to move to the f***-buddy system will be a complete disaster.
Leo While you're starting to think your problem is that you're too "in your head," it's actually a rare species of cranial tapeworm.
Virgo Your attempt to achieve fame no matter what the cost in blood will fail, although the stories of the What's-His-Name Killer will be told for generations.
Libra The king's men part you can understand, but you've never really comprehended how all the king's horses were supposed to help.
Scorpio You'll be trapped in a paralyzing dilemma that can only be solved if you learn something new, take the initiative, or have an original thought of your own.
Sagittarius This is a good time to make aggressive moves in your romantic life, but not so aggressive that you actually cause yourself physical harm with the Fleshlight.
Capricorn While you're often disgusted by the shallowness and ignorance you see all around you, you have to admit it's made it easy for you to get dates.
Aquarius Although they say it's not over until the fat lady sings, increasingly unrealistic body-image standards mean it's now over when there is a vocalization by any female over 135 pounds.
Pisces While it may be true that the emperor has no clothes, you have to admit that if you were the emperor, you'd walk around naked, too.
Music: Nirvana -
When your in the mood, it sounds so good. I mean, the guy was good. Back in the day.
I'll try to post something substantive tomorrow, I have my business (computer class). *Shivers*
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Mega Post
Well, this is going to be my mega-post and just to clarify any confusion out there, yes I am sitting behind my mega-desk.
Ok, so I'n at my brother's house all the way in Macomb because he and his wife are out of town this weekend and I'm house-sitting (?). So, it's just me and this great big house. Partaaaayy!!! Oh. Oh wait, all my friends are busy. Really, all of them? Huh. I guess that means I can take the lamp shade off my head now.
I know what will pass the time, music of course. Good thing my bro has satellite TV and he has this great channel called Lithium which plays a lot of my favorite bands, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Offspring, and....he doesn't have that channel anymore. Faaaantastic.
Well I'm trying out this site called Pandora. It's a site where you can choose a band, song, or genre and it will play similar songs. I've heard great things about it, but I've never really tried it until now. Being a really big music fan, it's saving me over here.
I saw trailers for three movies that looked pretty cool. Let's see what you think.
This one is called "True Grit" and I think it's about revenge or something. I think it looks pretty cool and it's a Coen Brothers movie. The Coens did Fargo, the Big Lebowski, Miller's Crossing, all classics. All in the 90's I know. But they're great. And their newest movie A Serious Man was really good too. Plus, this movie has Jeff Bridges in it, although I'm not the biggest Matt Damon fan.
The next movie is called Red and it stars Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, and some other dudes. The plot? They're all ex-CIA and they end up killing a whole bunch of people. What more do you need?
The last one is called Faster and it stars The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) and Billy Bob Thornton. It looks like Billy Bob wronged the Rock in some way and he's out for revenge (another revenge movie I know, but you know they're good. It looks like it contains a lot of violence and fast cars. Sounds amazing right? Hey, I',m still a Rock fan. Psh, whatever.
I saw the new Alice in Wonderland over the week. I went in thinking I was going to absolutely hate it, which is good, because with that mindset, I only didn't like it. It was somewhat entertaining. I lost all caring for it when Johnny Depp began to dance at the end of the movie though. I mean, there's only so much I can take. As a human being, you know?
Ok, a couple of funny videos I found on the internet, this one shows a very angry - no, a very passionate candidate for something or another.
And this is a mock-interview called Between Two Ferns between Zach Galafakinas(?) different guests. This one is with Michael Cera, the guy from Superbad. It's not for the easily offended and there can be some swearing.
Also, here is the website for more mock interviews.Although I'm sure you could just youtube it as well.
Music for today is Beyond the Gray Sky by 311.
Well, I'm off. I'm pretty bored. I think I'm gonna watch either the Evil Dead or 28 Days Later. Not quite sure yet. Enjoy the weekend guys and girls.
A Sad and Pathetic Attempt at 300 Words
Cold Update
Bob Seger - Ship of Fools because if you were to look up the definition of the word American you would find not words, just a picture of Bob Seger. And he would be eating Apple Pie. With a beer in his hand, but now I digress.
It's a great song, My favorite Seger song actually. Question though. Does anyone know what it's about? A ship of fools, yeah, but I mean, I'm still not quite sure what happens in the song. They sunk, I do know that much.
- Well, the Vernors and the Zicam (Free Publicity) sure helped and I'm feeling a lot better except for this stupid cough. Yes, I punched my cold square in the nose or you could even say I bit a little of its ear off a la Tyson but let's not overdo it...
- Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19: Venus is in retrograde in your sign this week, which you'd think would mean problems in your love life but actually indicates imminent botulism. Interesting, isn't it?
- Taurus Apr 20 - May 20: Avoid making decisions based on ambiguous advice from questionable sources this week, even if she was in labor with you for 38 hours.
- Gemini May 21 - Jun 21: Change will come to your neighborhood when you piss off an air traffic controller who knows your home address on the same day his ex boards a 747 to Maui.
- Cancer Jun 22 - Jul 22: You've never been the sort of person who lets all kinds of supposed "signs" tell you how you should drive your car.
- Leo: Jul 23 - Aug 22: You're starting to think that maybe the funny nose and glasses won't actually be enough to hide you when Jesus returns in all his glory.
- Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22: Sometimes it feels as if your life's long, empty hours are all beginning to blur together, but take heart. There really aren't very many left.
- Libra Sep 23 - Oct 23: Although the doctors want to do all they can to help ease your recovery, they cannot legally allow you to make a cool chair out of your severed limbs.
- Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 21: Scorpio is a water sign, with all that implies, but this week it will be much more important for you to pay attention to fire-exit signs.
- **Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21: You'll continue to be baffled by people who expect you to be their friend and call them just because you have previously said the words "we're friends" and "I'll call you."
- Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19: Love magick is strong in Taurus this week, leading those lucky enough to be born under that sign far, far away from you.
- Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18: Your death will be painful, but it will give a notorious femme fatale a chance to say "I'm afraid I've always had a rather…sharp tongue."
- Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20: Your life will soon lose all direction, which, considering how it has been going, should come as a vast relief.
Bob Seger - Ship of Fools because if you were to look up the definition of the word American you would find not words, just a picture of Bob Seger. And he would be eating Apple Pie. With a beer in his hand, but now I digress.
It's a great song, My favorite Seger song actually. Question though. Does anyone know what it's about? A ship of fools, yeah, but I mean, I'm still not quite sure what happens in the song. They sunk, I do know that much.
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