Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Dust Settles and the Blogging Begins

Well guys and girls this is going to be an absolutely terrible blog as I will confuse and bore most of you, the rest will most assuredly flee in utmost terror, but everyone has to eventually post on my blog and that requires reading some of it, so ha.

This isn't my 300 worder one as I'm still sitting in class and half conscious - half thanks to this delicious 7-Eleven coffee by my side, which is also very cheap - I hope they give me some kind of monetary compensation for that. This blog will basically be about what I see on TV - sports, movies, commercials. I'll try to keep it entertaining - but don't hold me on that. Btw, how gloomy is this design anyway? It's even depressing me, I'm sure I'll change it sporadically eventually, when I get around to it. Don't judge.

And that's really all I  can think to say right now...(awkard silence)...


  1. Dude you are cracking me up! This isn't boring - i love rambling or musing blogs.

  2. Hi Robert: Your blog is pretty cool-it keeps us readers guessing about what you'll have to say next time we check back! I am from Chicago (a HUGE Bears fan) and I lost a bet with my husband over this touchdown "process" thing. So...because I believe the Lions actually did, in all fairness, score a touchdown, I had to post a photo taken of myself hugging the Lions mascot at the preseason game a few weeks back. I ate my huge helping of "crow" for this game, but we'll see what the Lions can pull out of their hat next time. Football is a serious marital "issue" for us, as we met in Chicago at a Bears game, and marital life gets pretty interesting during this time of year.
