Tuesday, October 26, 2010


'Get ready to root for the bad guy"

That is in a Payback in a nutshell. A very (very) gritty fast-paced action film that stars Mel Gibson (I know, I know) in his hey-day. I guess after watching Edge of Darkness I was feeling pretty nostalgic about the Mel of Old, before the drinking and driving, before the racist outbursts, before Mel was engulfed in the darkness within himself. And that's why I took great comfort in Payback.

Released in 1999, Payback opens as Porter (Mel) is lying on his stomach out cold and looking like hell. A dirty and obese man hovers over him with a strong stench of whiskey on his breath. He then goes about removing the bullets lodged within Mel's back. After bullet two, Mel wakes up, and he's not too happy.

A small town criminal that indulges in heists ranging from convenience stores to banks, the only thing he can really count on is his wife and girlfriend-prostitute on the side (it's a very gritty movie). This all changes when he is stabbed (shot) in the back by his greedy partner and his wife that has apparently decided to move on. After that, Porter is out for revenge along with the money that his partner owes him. This only get more complicated when he gets mixed up with crooked cops, the Chinese mob, and a elite criminal organization known only as the Outfit.

This is a very dark film with an atmosphere very similar to that of Zach Snyder. Every scene is hyper-saturated and gloomy. The mood lets the audience know something very bad is about to happen in each and every scene, and usually, something does.

It is a action-packed and surprisingly funny film. Never a dull moment, Payback is a very well made and directed movie.

If your looking for a film that will keep you interested from beginning to end, I highly recommend Payback.

Music: Clarence "Frogman" Henry - Your Picture because not too many know about him and the man had some gems.

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